
Description: However long we’ve been
Christians, we all have areas in our lives that need transforming. This six session course is a condensed version of the How People Change curriculum and is designed to help participants pursue biblical, heart-focused change. You will reflect on your own heart, on your life with its blessings and hardships, and on God who meets you right where you are. Real Change is a course for anyone who wants to discover how God changes us from the inside out – anyone who wants to take a look at what’s going on in his or her heart, and grow with God’s help to see real change.

*Note – Because each week’s work builds on the one that comes before, it’s important that participants are able to commit to attending all six sessions.

Registration Requirements: completed pre-group questionnaire (available here). Participants new to Elisha House are also required to complete a pre-group interview to be arranged by the Facilitator.

Homework: there will be an average of 2 hours of homework per week.

If you have more questions, please feel free to contact us below.

*Your Name:
*Your Email:
Your Phone #:
* denotes required field

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